
Read: John 13:34 - “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Reflect: As we reflect on the love we have received from the Lord through Jesus, we must not think of ourselves as reservoirs of His love. As people who continue to receive more and more of the love of God, it can be easy for us to only internalize it, using it to build up our lives and our faith. But rather than reservoirs, we must begin to see ourselves as overflowing rivers of God’s love, blessing all we touch as we run downstream. This is how the world knows we are disciples of Christ. Not merely by our words, our position on social issues, or our allegiances, but by our love. Think about this: when the world looks at the church, is it love that they see? Is love the first thing that comes to mind? We have an especially powerful opportunity during the Advent season to proclaim to the world that we are disciples of Jesus by showing real, sacrificial love for one another. Love that is not fragile or fleeting, but that endures during the difficult seasons of our church relationships. The world craves this love, and doesn’t even know it. Let us shine as lights of love that we may draw the world to the Lord Jesus!

Respond: Think about your relationships in the church: how well are you loving your spiritual brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters? Ask the Lord to fill you with His love that it may overflow into your relationships around you, knowing that this is how the world will know you are a follower of Jesus. Thank Him that He loved us so well that we might know how to love others.



