Our Vision
To make disciples that live in the way of Jesus for the good of our neighbors and the glory of God.
One of the most primary and practical ways for us to be centered around Jesus is to align our desired ministry outcomes with His vision for the church. The clearest place that we see this is in Matthew 28:19-20 when Jesus commissioned His Apostles to “go, and make disciples of all nations”. This is how Christ called these first century church planters to glorify God and extend His blessing to the world. He sent them out as missionary servants tasked with forming communities through the gospel wherein people would learn to live according to His words and ways together as a family. This vision has been the empowered pursuit of the Church for the past 2000 years and it continues to be ours today. We’ve been sent into our own time and place with a calling to make disciples that live in the way of Jesus for the good of our neighbors and glory of God.
Our Pillars
What does living “in the way of Jesus” actually look like?
It looks like…
Living from a deep and confident sense of who we are in Christ through the gospel as sons and daughters of the living God.
2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 3:1-2; Colossians 2:6-7
Living with a united and yielded approach to the authority of scripture and influence of the Holy Spirit.
John 4:24; John 6:63; Ephesians 1:13
Living towards the goal of becoming more like Jesus through authentic, interdependent, and meaningful community.
Ephesians 2:19-22; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Hebrews 3:12-13
Living for the glory and purposes of Christ in our lives, church, and world.
Romans 12:1; Galatians 5:13; 2 Corinthians 5:18
Our Rhythms
We are seeking to make disciples that live in the way of Jesus by leading our church to adopt the following four collective rhythms.
GATHER | We gather around Jesus as a unified assembly to recenter our lives and abide in His word.
Sunday Gatherings
We gather every Sunday Morning at Don Estridge High Tech Middle School at 10am for worship, fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. This is the central place and primary way that we gather around Jesus as a church.
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Prayer & Worship
In addition to our Sunday Gatherings, we also gather for worship and prayer on special occasions to seek the Lord together.
CONNECT | We connect through Jesus as a reconciled family to foster community and share in His grace.
Connect Groups
Connect Groups are the heart and soul of our church community. They come in a variety of different shapes and sizes with a wide range of group types, schedules, and focuses. Ultimately, every Connect Group exists for the same Kingdom purpose - helping people connect to meaningful community, core relationships, and further discipleship.
Explore Groups
Connect Events
Throughout the year we have a variety of different events that we organize (mens, womens, couples, families, youth, young adults, outreaches, etc.) for people in our church to connect relationally and experience community.
GROW | We grow in Jesus as a discipleship community to be formed by the Spirit and walk in His ways.
Formation Groups
Formation Groups are member-organized, same-gendered core groups of 2-4 people who commit to walking together for a season of intentional and interdependent growth as disciples.
FAQ Form
Discipleship Courses
In addition to Formation Groups, we also occasionally offer multi-week discipleship courses for a variety of different topics, such as parenting, marriage, theology, and practical Christian living. These courses happen in either a classroom or group setting to help our church grow in a specific area of discipleship.
GO | We go with Jesus as a hilltop city to love our neighbors and join in His work.
All throughout the year, we seek to prayerfully provide opportunities for our church to engage the least and lost in our community with the hope and love of Jesus.
We also run the Alpha Course! Alpha is a ministry that provides churches with content to create space for people to have open and honest conversations about life's biggest questions from a Christian perspective. It’s a 10-week video series built around welcoming hospitality, safe conversation, and loving community.