
Read: Hebrews 10:23 - “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”

Reflect: Our predecessors in church history thought very highly of the power of a confession. When we think of a confession today, we think of confessing sin. But this was something more. A confession was a declaration of your faith and belief, and there have been many strong confessions in history that have influenced our churches today. And yet for the most part, we no longer give much thought to adhering to a confession. The author of Hebrews here is imploring us to hold fast -- hold on with all your strength -- to the confession of our hope in the Lord Jesus, the Faithful One. We must openly confess together for the world to hear, that we have put all our hope and trust in what Jesus has done, and what He will do. And no matter how the world reacts, or how the enemy responds, or how much our flesh wrestles against us, we must hold on to that confession without wavering. Because when we confess Jesus, He will confess us! He will be faithful to accomplish our salvation.

Respond: Go to the Lord in prayer and openly confess your hope in His salvation -- Jesus. Then examine your heart: how firm of a grip do you have on your confession? Is there anything in your life that has caused you to waver? Give those things to the Lord in prayer. And thank Him for His faithfulness today and forever!



